Sunday, October 3, 2010

Plan of Action...well, planning for the plan

Action my not be the right word, but "Plan of Attack" sounded a little extreme.

So, Photography.......still want to do it......still need a decent camera......still haven't come up with a way to get it, or take the course in question. I guess, on looking at it again, maybe jumping in with both feet isn't the best way to go. If I were honest I still WANT to jump in, but the responsible part of my life is making that next to impossible.

The next best thing to taking an actual course, is to read up on the subject myself. For now, I'm on a waiting list for these books at my (little) local library. If they feel like the right thing for me, maybe I'll even buy them. (I hate the name "...For Dummies" but the books are very informative).
There have been so many things I have wanted to do in my life, but, being a mom to my Screaming Meemies, and a wife to my husband, well, that's taken a lot of my time ( and it was how I wanted to do it).

Now that everyone is a little older, and out of diapers ( they really take up a lot of time), I'd like to expand my horizons.

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