Something more....something more.....
Something More:
A little shop, decorated by "my" style. Nothing perfectly matched, but, somehow it all goes together. Warm colours, soft textures, all whispering "welcome" and "comfort" as you step through the door...
It would smell wonderful.
What kind of shop, you might be asking would be a small coffee and bake shop. Not a big menu of any kind, just a few things daily. I'd have good coffee on offer ( and I'd even pour it for folks...something that is lacking in town here). I'd also have tea, and not just the trendy types, but good Orange Pekoe!
I'd display local art and small crafts, have photos on the walls taken by the people who frequent the shop.
It's the sort of thing my Dad has talked about doing for years.....seems it's seeped into my brain as well.
I know that most new small businesses fail....doesn't make me want it any less.....that's the whole point of dreams are that they are what you wish for, not all you can do. turn a dream into a goal.....
oooh...I'd come!!